Monday, June 4, 2007


...21. Gastric problem is also associated with ingesting too much meat and high fat food.

...22. HEART & UTERUS are linked together. Drinking 3000cc.-4000cc. of good filtered water with a healthy DETOXification diet will keep them healthy, too.

...23. There is no need to go for unnecessary check-ups, X-rays, CT scans [radiation is 5x...6x higher] are bad for the body since it kills thousands of cells and thus, weaken the body even further. Cancers and diseases are sometimes quite hard to detect in your yearly heath check-ups or blood tests. By the time they are detected, that part of the body has already been quite damaged. Always get a second opinion from another doctor before proceeding witht he recommended surgery. If it is LIVER disease, medication will destroy it further. Go on a proper DETOXification diet and sleep by 9PM daily will help the LIVER to recover faster.

...24. Vegetables and fruits high in Vitamin C will help DETOXify the poisons in the body, thus helping the organs to recover during the detoxification. Drinking lots of water will help the LIVER because URINE is one way of detoxification.

...25. Morning hours netween 5 AM-7AM is the best time for bowel movement, otherwise, the intestines might absorb the poisons from the digested matter to be distributed to the rest of the body, thus, slow poisoning of the body will occur. This will result in the body getting sick.

...26. Using KELP powder mixed in water can help stop itchy scalp.

...27. STONES in gall-bladder, liver, brain are usually poisons accumulated from animal protein and oily food.

...28. MINERALS- calcium, iron strengthen the kidney/bladder.

...29. A person having mild LIVER or kidney problems can eat fish and beans....ONLY after 4 months of DETOXification diet.

...30. If the white of the eyes of a person is yellow, it only means he has a LIVER and GALL BLADDER problem.


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